New Management at AceProx in South Africa
Change of Management at AceProx South Africa
On 1st March, 2016 Tyrone Keston took over the helm from Malcolm and is now running the AceProx Subsidary with fresh enthusiasm and new ideas to further develop the RFID market in South Africa. Tyrone has a track record of more than 20 years in the electronic security industry and is fully familiar with the AceProx RFID Reader Products as well as cards and tags. Please take a look at the new contact and address details of AceProximity cc.

After more than 11 years as General Manager of AceProximity cc in Johannesburg, Malcolm Carter (right) will now enjoy his well-deserved retirement.
AceProx 584-52 Keypad Reader now with even more features
Furthermore new options have been added for the LED control. For keypad entries Wiegand 4bit and 8bit output formats have been added. All previously known functions, like the stand-alone access control are still included.
584-52 Keypad Reader
Products – Overview

Our weather-resistant RFID reader with keypad for EM4200 and HID Prox II-compatible cards and tags is now also resistant against salt water. This allows for all marine applications, like on boats, ships and harbour areas.So kann er auch an Außentüren auf Schiffen oder im Hafenbereich eingesetzt werden.